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SWIK is a 3D experience platform to publish, discover and share interactive content.
Empowered by pixel streaming technology, SWIK allows people to enjoy the photorealistic 3D graphics on their mobile devices together with their friends.
My contribution
2022 June - now
Green Rain Studios
Duality Robotics
Research, Interaction design, Prototyping and Testing, Branding
Project Timeline

The outcome

Our team launched SWIK's alpha version with essential functions and received insightful feedback from pilot users. We'll work on the feedback and prioritize improving and expanding the platform's features for a better user experience and increased popularity.
SWIK currently hosts three interactive experiences created by the Unreal engine, offering high definition, real-time gameplay with multiplayer co-playing and sharing capabilities. In addition, users can easily invite others to join via their mobile browser by sharing a link. More features and more experiences are under development and will be released in the future. 

Example usecases

SWIK enables every participant in the Game Hackathon to test and experience each other's work with ease
Digital Asset Market
SWIK enables buyers to preview 3D commodities on any device, aiding in the finalization of purchase decisions.

Project Timeline

To cope with the tight schedule and uncertain project scope, we closely collaborated with the team to ensure alignment and involvement. Using Agile development, we iterated rapidly to launch a testable prototype in minimum time.

Explore Product Direction

Our Problem Statement

How might hosting real-time, synchronous 3D content through pixel-streaming open up new value structures between 3D creators and their community?


Where to position our product in the Metaverse landscape?


Which community do we want to serve?


What unique value proposition we have and what need do we want to address?

Comparative Research

To begin, we conducted an audit of the 3d content landscape, reviewing a variety of platforms including virtual galleries,, Roblox, Decentraland, as well as other desktop and mobile applications.

During our research, we identified various challenges faced by both users and artists, including exclusive community culture, lengthy content wait times, and empty expansive landscapes. We also observed accessibility issues on some established platforms.


After conducting market research, we identified a gap in the market and a corresponding opportunity.

The emergence of easy-to-use 3D tools and game engines has led to a surge in creators capable of producing interactive content, both professional and amateur. However, existing public-facing platforms often limit the interactivity of such works. In response, we could create a platform that focuses on sharing short, interactive content created by individual creators, enabling viewers to experience their work seamlessly and without friction.

Creating large-scale digital interactive content, such as video games or social Metaverse platforms, typically requires substantial resources and collaborative effort. This poses a significant risk for small teams or individual creators. Additionally, limitations such as download speeds and device compatibility often prevent content consumers from accessing such experiences.

Validate Hypothesis

opportunity field

Is there potential for 3D interactive graphics to become a new type of short content ?

Primary Research

To validate our assumption and ensure a market for our platform, we conducted user research and aimed to understand the needs of 3D content creators.

Our research involved reaching out to NFT artists, creative coders, Indie game developers, and animators whose works we believed would align with SWIK. Through one-on-one interviews, we aimed to achieve the following research objectives:


Learn 3D content creators' familiarity and willingness in creating interactive content and short-form content


Learn their opinions towards the existing platforms and the ways they use them


Learn the dynamics between content creators and their audience and their creator community



3D content creators generally have an open mind and curiosity about new creative mediums and tools. Social media is the main channel they learn about a new tool or a new trend.


The values perceived by 3D content creators from social media platforms are a sense of creative community, increased chance of getting publicity, monetization, and creating a personal portfolio. Twitter and Instagram are the most commonly used platforms.


The Indie game community displays a very negative opinion towards concepts like Metaverse and NFT. Indie game creators also don't favor the idea of altering their work to accommodate people's shortening attention spans.


Value proposition canvas

Based on our research outcomes, we drafted the Value Proposition Canvas to inform the team of what we need to focus on.

With limited time and development resources, we need to make sure that every feature we include in the MVP is crucial to the overall value proposition we present to the intended audience.

information architecture

We created the information architecture of the MVP and included all the features that we regard as essential for showcasing the potential of the platform and relevant to our business metrics.


We iterated the screen design from low-fidelity to high-fidelity based on usability testing insights. And after delivering the design, we worked closely with the engineering team to make sure the implementation is pixel-perfect.

Functionality Highlight

Choose an experience

The user can scroll vertically to browse the experiences hosted on SWIK and learn about their creators

Navigate the Experience

All experiences are in the portrait orientation. The user can use the virtual joysticks to move around and look around the space

Exit and Feedback

The user can click on the top right button to exit the experience and write feedback for the experience creator

Iterate from feedback

usability issue

"This is really fun, but I don't know how to use them."

However, our pilot users found it challenging to use the joystick control during usability testing. The default navigation control seems to have quite a learning curve for new users which compromises the task completion rate.

Navigation Control

To find out a better navigation control mode, I created some functional prototypes in Unity3D and tested a couple of solutions before handing over the design to the engineering team.

Since our target audience is not pro-gamers but people who have little 3D experience and may have never held a gamepad before. Therefore we regulated all experiences to be in portrait orientation because they are casual, have simple control, and can be accessed at any time and any place.


Move Around

The camera always follows player's facing direction when the player navigates the space with the Moe Joystick.

Look Around

Use accelerometer to detect phone-tilting and rotate the camera accordingly

Testing and prototyping

We tested those navigation models with some people who had never used a gamepad before, and we found the one-hand control that utilizes the phone accelerometer is the easiest to learn. However, after communicating with the engineering team, not all browsers support access to the phone accelerometer. So eventually we took a step back and decided on a design that works on all browsers and phones.


Since we kept minimum UI elements to preserve the immersiveness of the experience, for users especially those new to 3d experience to quickly learn to navigate the space, we created a short onboarding experience showing them how to use the UI control.


"But it looks like TikTok which uses Instagram's color"

Our test participants informed us that our previous color palette is really close to Instagram’s brand so we updated our product's branding to create a refreshing experience for new users.


Our visual language aims to appeal to the creative community and it should create a breathable and low-key edgy vibe with a concise and scalable scheme. So we collected different references to figure out a style that fully displays the characteristics of our product.

Design system

The dark color theme was derived on the basis of the experience's immersive and entertaining characteristics. Our iconic neon green hinted at the technology behind the platform and the promising future it holds. We also created a series of custom flat icons to support its techie style.

Branding assets

I was tasked with creating social media visuals for SWIK's announcement and release. Visual language is based on the extracted keywords of the platform: Mobile, Playfulness, and 3D experience.

Next Steps

After launching SWIK with all essential functions, our team received positive feedback from pilot users and has been steadily following a clear product roadmap to further improve the platform. We have implemented new features such as social media integration and a user feedback system, and have improved the platform's performance and stability based on user feedback. Moving forward, we plan to continue incorporating user feedback to guide our development and will leverage various marketing strategies to grow SWIK's popularity."

Follow us on Twitter @SWIKSPACE or join our Discord for more information.

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Xi Xiao Bao